Paralysis By Analysis; Problems with Decision Making

Some of us are victims of  'paralysis by analysis' it's what happens when you think too much of a decision then you can't make one. Decision making is crucial to success, in fact, most successful people like Donald Trump and Tony Robbins preach the importance of quick decision making.
Generally there are two kinds people when it comes to decision making;

keywords;paralysis by analysis

Selective Type- They would spend hours in the store to find the best looking shoes. They would check all the shoes in the store if they could just to find that right one,  they decide slow and bounce from one decision to another weighing the pros and cons of their decision. When they do buy the shoes, a lingering thought comes into their mind asking 'what if'  they bought the other one.

Standard Type- these are the type of people who has a standard. They would go into a shoe store having a list of criteria in mind. It could be that their criteria is  color and comfort. They would look for  shoes that fit their want and when they do, they pay for it and leave. Never to dwell on the shoes they didn't pick.

Now take the analogy of buying shoes and expand it to let's say your career! You don't know what to do and weigh the cons and pros over and over, the problem is there's just too many choices that you can't make out which one is the best. until you exhaust yourself, thinking of the endless possibilities. 

So try this, have a checklist of criteria and whichever matches your standards, GO for it!

Example; -Will it pay well?
                -Will I like it? 
                -Will there be growth?
                -Or whatever it is you want. 

So ask yourself this when conflicted with choices "Does this choice meet my standards?" If so move forward with your decision and forget the rest. This will save you time, make you happier and make your decisions more rational. 

Thanks for reading. Keep well. ;)

keywords;paralysis by analysis

*Kim Ian Tumblod