King Kong Power


What kind of Gorilla is King Kong? Well he is a pre-historic ape and is a fictional character but Kong is based on the silverback gorilla. He might be a monster on screen but in reality gorilla's are shy, withdrawn, moody animals that would typically avoid physical confrontations. It will only rush an intruder if it feels threatened or cornered. Despite their size and power they are relatively peaceable animals. There are few incident that they would rush a human being and no cases of them crushing a man to death. Please keep reading..despite this fact silveback gorillas over 1.8 meter (5'11) with the weight 230kg (510lbs) tends to be more aggressive. I guess that's why  if there was a real King Kong he would be really aggressive since he is 50feet tall.

The gigantopithecus blacki are the largest primates that ever lived standing at 10ft tall and weighing in at 1,200lb they lived approximatively 1 million years ago, there remains can be located in parts of China, India and Vietnam.